Monday, March 15, 2010

The purpose of the Young Women Program is to help
Young Women everywhere to "come unto Christ."
This print will look complete in any girl's space as a
reminder that they are daughter's of God.  I
painted the wood frame, then lightly sanded
the edges for a more rustic look.  
I used mod podge to adhere the print inside
the frame.  The dimension of the
print is:  15 1/4" x 7" and the frame is 
17 3/4" x 9 1/2"
The frame below has two holes at the top,
so I strung ribbon through the beads and
left enough ribbon on both sides to create
bows for the top of the frame.  Wa la! a more
decorative way to dress up a frame.  And what
girl doesn't like beads!


  1. So cute!!! I love it. I want one for Marianne when she goes into YM. (2 years) Love it! I also love this page - it looks great! :D

  2. Oops - I put YM but I meant YW~ oops. ;)
