Friday, April 2, 2010

Here are just a few projects to get you started.  Both of these prints are 8x8 and were mod podged on 9x9x 1/4" wood.  Then to give it more dimention, I glued it to a 10 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 1/2" piece of unfinished wood that I painted black then sanded the edges for a more rustic look.  
On this print, I added buttons because I had them...and I also thought it went well with the quilted look of the print.  I've been surprized to find many items around the house to use with my prints.  I've used a lot of buttons, ribbon, and shiny BLING things!  To glue the pieces of wood together, I used AMAZING E-6000.  It's great stuff, however it will stink up your home so I'd advise you to do this part of the project in your neighbors house. Okay, so your garage or outside on a sunny day would be the best choice! :)
Once the glue has dried, I brush a light layer of matte mod podge over the print, making sure I brush back and forth in one direction.


  1. Your pictures are so great! Whoever took them did an awesome job. ;) Hee hee. Your blog is really looking great - way to go Mom! :D
